Tuesday, September 22, 2015

PLDT Should Rebate on Bills Due to Internet Service Interruptions

I can't count how many times I dialed 171 to report a problem concerning my PLDT Internet connection. At first a customer service representative would say that the connection will be fixed within 3 days and for the meantime will report the problem to their technical team.

Everyday, I call to follow up and they would say "We have reported this matter to our technicians and they are currently testing your connection." They would say these words over and over again, every day of my follow up, until it has reached the 5th day, which have caused delays in my online work.

According to DTI, we are entitled to a rebate when a company fails to deliver the service we’re paying for. We all need to speak out as we had been good customers by paying our bills without delay. Why is the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company taking our money for failed service?

Each one of PLDT customers should also report this matter to DTI as it would only take a moment of our time. If we, as Filipinos do this, there would be thousands of DTI cases against them.

Please share this message so we can make a difference.