A personal blog. Any topic will do. This is a true story. I love my family. I love the beach, nature, photography, paintings and poetry.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Vanessa Jay's Inspiring Tweets
By: Ma. Cristina Lao
A good leader has a good heart.
I thank thee for all the help and unconditional love.
Love will set us free.
I pray for the healing of your body and soul. As we all want to be saved.
Let not the future burden you today, for now is more important.
I trust in you Lord, so that I will have peace of mind.
Papaya is my miracle fruit.
We are not alone. God is with us, especially if we call His name.
Do your best so others may follow.
It's not the looks that matters most but what you are inside.
Teach your children to be best friends at young age so that when they grow up they will not be strangers to each other.
It does not matter if others don't accept you, what matters most is you accept yourself for what you are.
Be grateful for waking up in the morning and facing another day of your life.
With temptation, God will provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
A true friend accepts you for what you are.
Appreciate the little and simple things and be happier.
Happiness is not measured by the country where you live in or by how much you earn. Happiness is appreciating the little things in life.
More to follow....
original tweets,